
Otago Section of the New Zealand Alpine Club

Hiring Section Gear

Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs)

The Otago Section has two PLBs for Section members to use when heading outdoors. Rental is free for NZAC members but $5 per day for non-members. So that we can track the rentals, and respond if something goes wrong, the Section has created an online booking form. When the form is completed online the results are automatically loaded into a spreadsheet in the Section’s Google Drive, so we have a record of your rental and planned trip details. All that you do then is to arrange to collect a unit from either Keith Moffat or Eve O'Brien. You can find contact information here.

Section Safety Gear

Our eight sets of avalanche equipment and eight sets of snowshoes are now available for rent from the new Hunting and Fishing shop, now at 141 Crawford Street, in Dunedin. The new shop is open seven days till 5.30 weekdays, 5pm Saturday and 4pm Sunday. More details can be found here. The rental costs are $5 per day for an avalanche set of transceiver, probe and shovel and $5 per day for snowshoes for all Alpine Club members. You MUST show your current membership card to receive that rate. Not a member, or don’t have your card? Then the fee is $10 per day and you will be required to pay a $20 deposit. Members are welcome to collect gear on Friday and return Monday and two day’s rental will apply. If you wish to make other arrangements, please contact Keith or any of the committee and we will sort things out BEFORE you go into the shop. If you have any issues with the gear or rentals, please don’t hassle the staff at Hunting and Fishing as they are doing us a huge favour by running the rental scheme for us.